Clearing The Way

Making Willow 4u

Get A Free 30-Minute Ancestor Alignment Meditation Ritual

by Rita Harrison

Check it Out Here: This Meditation by Rita Harrison called “Clearing The Way” was Recorded live at her Relationship Rescue Workshop on Saturday, June 1 2013 as part of her Willow System Ancestral Alignment Program.

“Imagine your ancestors have given you a free pass to all the joys of life.”
– Rita Harrison

For more information about Rita Harrison’s Ancestral Alignment Program
Call 1 (800) 790-6140 now! (USA & CANADA)

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Cambodia Reflections: When it Rains, It Pours

life : sanguine

Far from a simple adage when speaking of monsoon season in Cambodia.  We had a few scattered showers over May, but this past week the rain has increased 10 fold, culminating in the last 3 days which we’ve had multiple torrential downpours every day.  And by “torrential” I mean enough to drench your entire body in 30 seconds and to flood the streets in 5 minutes.  Attempting to get anything done is a feat of will on these days when you have no idea if the moment you step out of your house the skies will open up and swallow you whole.

Unfortunately, Phnom Penh suffers from poor urban planning and consequently the advent of rainy season here inevitably entails coming to terms with the deluge of street floods.  I quite enjoy a downpour here and there, especially when you still get sunny mornings as we usually do.  However, having…

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Meirav's Blog

Once again I see a fellow blogger post something that is a complete copy&paste of someone else’s article. I’m hoarse from trying to get people to understand that it’s not okay to do that, that it’s a breach of copyright even if you say where you got it from – unless you’ve been given permission by the copyright owner (normally the author), you are not allowed to reproduce their whole article on your own blog. If you see an article you like and you want to give it extra publicity through your blog, then post a link with a short summary and/or a quote from the article, inviting your readers to click on the link and read the whole thing. (If it’s on WordPress then you can use the “reblog” feature, which does precisely that.)

I am seriously baffled by this behaviour from people who are producing their own written…

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Kisses from Costa Rica!!

Esoteric Thoughts

I am typing this as I sip authentic Costa Rican coffee and eat homemade cinnamon rolls. Jelly yet? 😉 I have declared the small cozy library within the biological reserve as my chill spot. It feels soooo nice. The cool breeze from outside makes its way into the building, meaning that there’s no need for AC or even fans. So far the temperature range outside stays within the 70’s. There’s a lot I haven’t blogged about that I wished to do in chronological order, but that is not happening. Limited wifi and remote locations within Costa Rica does not allow it so. Today we went to a cloud forest reserve in Monteverde. There was a lot of neat things and it was vastly different from your typical rainforest…but I’m just going to take advantage of this post to upload a few pretty pictures versus typing a whole lot. Enjoy!!


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